Saturday, January 26, 2013

For 1/29

Sorry, guys, I forgot to post the instructions for the assignment I gave in class.  Here it is:

  1. Read the "Differences Between Violence and Nonviolence" handout.  Pay particular attention to the idea that nonviolence is an active technique to resolve conflict.
  2. Read the Martin Luther King handout and consider his thoughts about the risks associated with nonviolence.
  3. Choose a current news article that describes a violent response to conflict.  Use your imagination to rewrite the article as if nonviolent techniques had been used instead.  Be realistic in imagining what would have happened.  Don't assume that nonviolence is a magic solution that will easily and completely resolve all conflict.
  4. Also take a look at both sides of the "How Do You Handle Conflict" worksheet.  We will discuss this informally in class.
  5. As we have decided to read Mother Night please obtain a copy and begin reading at a pace that will allow you to finish by week six or seven.

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