Tuesday, February 5, 2013

For 2/12

Link to NYTimes drone article.

Link to Twain's "The War Prayer" (Click on the cover for a free PDF download).

For next week, please follow the above links and read the texts.  Additionally, please read 3-5 additional news articles during the week--enough to familiarize yourself with the controversy over U.S. Government drone strikes.  Pay particular attention to the debate over the policy of targeting U.S. citizens. 

For next week, please write a 1-2 page (double spaced) essay that expresses your reaction to any aspect of the drone issue you like.  If you aren't sure where to start, consider the following:
  • How does the fact that U.S. citizens are sometimes targeted affect the debate?
  • Should this affect the debate?
  • Why does this matter?
  • What would Twain likely say about this issue?
  • Does the distance between pilot and target affect our attitude toward violence?  Think back to "The Line is Hot" from Harper's.
These are just a few possible questions.  Don't limit yourself to these issues, and don't try to address them all.

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