Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Class, Wealth, and Poverty

Bill Moyers on the "Poverty Industry"


You work in city government, and you are assigned to set the annual salaries of various city employees.  You have $500,000 do distribute among the occupations listed below.  Before assigning specific amounts to each occupation, consider the rationale for your decision.  What are you basing each salary on?  Difficulty of job?  Contribution to society?  Education and training?  Prestige?  Danger?  Amount of responsibility?  Traditional salary patterns?  Overall fairness?  Something else?

Once you have distributed the total amount among each occupation, write a short paragraph explaining how you reached your decision.  Be prepared to defend your decision to angry employees who may feel like they are not getting their fair share.

Physician (GP)
Garbage Collector
Second Grade Teacher
Airport Shuttle Bus Driver
School Bus Driver
Farm Laborer
Banquet Server 

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