Monday, February 10, 2014

Assignment 4

News, they say, is the first draft of history. With this in mind, we're going to complete an assignment similar to last week's. Instead of focusing on the present day, however, we will focus on the past. The instructions below are very similar to those from assignment three.

  1. Read the violence vs. nonviolence handouts and ensure that you understand the two attitudes described. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions.
  2. Examine some historical event and look for examples of the two attitudes and behaviors. You may choose any time and place except the present. Try to pick something you find interesting. I don't think you'll have trouble locating information, but let me know if you do. I'll try to help out.
  3. Identify two events: one that describes a violent response to conflict and another describing a nonviolent response. The events may be from the same time and place, but they don't have to be. Also, try to choose topics that are fairly specific, so that you can conduct some detailed analysis. "The Holocaust," for example is way too broad a topic. You might narrow that topic down to something like, "The rescue of Jews by Oscar Schindler."
  4. Write up a short (a few paragraphs) analysis of each response. Be sure to describe the response in detail and fully explain how this response meets specific criteria of violent or nonviolent behavior.
  5. Like last week, you might not find a lot of examples that are entirely violent or nonviolent. Most situations will feature some middle ground. Feel free to explore the ways that a specific behavior is or isn't violent.
Let me know if you have questions or problems. I'll be looking for your responses by the morning of Monday, February 17.

Have a good week.

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