Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Request for Feedback

Hello. As I said in class, I would like you to take a close look at some of this blog's earlier postings, and let me know what kinds of texts, topics, and assignments you would like to focus on this term. Remember, we want to make sure we approach the topic of Peacemaking from the following perspectives:
  • History
  • Current events
  • Fine arts
  • Culture/Anthropology
  • Sociology/Psychology
  • Micro and macro
  • Criminal Justice (This wasn't on the original list, but it's something that might interest us.)

(See the post from 1/12 for a more detailed description of these perspectives.)

Also, keep in mind that we want to accomplish the following:
  • Read one major work (i.e., a novel, play, memoir, other nonfiction book).
  • View one feature-length film (narrative, documentary, or other).
  • Complete one larger research project.
If you feel at a loss to suggest anything, don't panic. I've got plenty of topics and assignments to keep us busy. But the more you do suggest, the more you will be able to shape the course to your own interests.

See if you can get back to me by, say, first thing Saturday morning. Once I've read your responses, I'll get back to you with some sort of more formal syllabus. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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