Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 2 Assignment

Since we've been talking about physical versus non-physical violence, let's examine a seemingly non-violent act: throwing a pie in someone's face (as a form of protest or as a political statement).

Your assignment is as follows:
  1. Take a look around the internet and learn what you can about the topic. A Google search of "pie in the face" or "pieing" will get you started. The Wikipedia article on "pieing" has plenty of terms and examples you can use to continue your search. Also check out some pieing videos on YouTube. You'll find two major categories: pieings with the target's consent and pieings without. Think about both kinds, but our main focus is the latter.
  2. Write a short essay (no more than 500 words) reflecting on whether the act of pieing an unwilling victim constitutes an act of violence. If it does, how violent is it? Be sure to provide specific examples to support your conclusions.
 Please email me your essay by 8:00 Monday morning, and I will give you some feedback on Tuesday evening. See you then!

PS: If you look at some previous posts on this blog, you'll find links to some pieing videos.

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